IATEFL Pronunciation Special Interest Group (PronSIG) invites you to a webinar with Mara Haslam entitled “Creative Pronunciation Teaching for Young Learners“! The webinar will take place on Saturday, 13 July 2024 at 1:00 pm UK time.

Register for the webinar via the IATEFL’s website here:


Most pronunciation experts would probably agree that pronunciation is something that should be worked with at all levels and ages. However, guides to pronunciation teaching are often created with older learners in mind. Young learners are unlikely to have the same cognitive or vocabulary development as older learners, therefore, we need to adjust our pronunciation teaching to work for them.

In this presentation, Mara Haslam reviews some of the research-based principles of language teaching and pronunciation teaching that are relevant for young learners, and also gives examples of activities for both segmental and suprasegmental pronunciation for young learners.

Please note the webinar is free for all to attend, but the certificates of attendance will be sent to members of IATEFL only.