Free webinar with Lucy Pickering, the author of Discourse Intonation (2018), who will talk to IATEFL Pronunciation SIG (PronSIG) and answer the participants’ questions about intonation!

Date: 20 November 2021 (Saturday), 14:00-15:00 UK time


What is intonation? Is it important to teach my students about intonation? How can I integrate it into my classes? What should I focus on? If these questions have ever crossed your mind, you’re not alone. For many of us, intonation is a grey area, rarely touched upon in any depth in our teacher training. With few of our most reached for coursebooks providing clear information or practical activities on it, teachers frequently find themselves without a clear understanding of what it is or how it should be taught. If that describes you, come along to this free session and bring all of your unanswered intonation questions to pose to our expert, Lucy Pickering, author of Discourse Intonation (2018).

About Lucy:

Lucy Pickering is Professor in Applied Linguistics, and Director of the graduate program in Applied Linguistics/TESOL and the Applied Linguistics Laboratory at Texas A&M University-Commerce. Her presentation today draws from her book Discourse Intonation: A discourse-pragmatic approach to teaching the pronunciation of English (2018; Michigan Press).

Take part in an exclusive workshop with Lucy Pickering!

After the free Q&A session webinar we are also inviting you to a workshop with Lucy Pickering. Please note that there are a limited number of seats available and the workshop requires separate registration.

Find out more about the workshop below: